Friday, May 21, 2004

must-see website (caution: politics ahead)

the next time you have some extra time, point your browser to The opening line is: "It almost goes without saying that there are a few things wrong with this country right now. There is one thing in particular, though, that seems to be the root of all of these problems. I'll give you a hint: it starts with a 'G', and ends with an 'eorge W. Bush'."

But really, this is quality. Here are some some things the site addresses: Bush says Kerry is flip-floppy on the issues. Bush' site (I am not providing that link, find it yourself, genius) points to many issues on which Kerry changed his opinion. But we must be careful of what the politicians say. In some instances, Kerry changed his opinion after many, many years. In others, he did so for just cause.

Advertising during an election year is oftentimes hideous. Really, it is. The author points out that the Bush campaign distorts the truth in the media (really! I didn't know politicians did that!). For example:
[An ad] spotted from time to time, as funded and approved by the Bush campaign, goes a little something like this:

John Kerry voted against funds for increasing our soldier’s paychecks.

(booming voice) Mr. Kerry

(TV screen) No.

John Kerry voted against funds for providing our soldiers with bulletproof vests that could save their lives.

(booming voice) Mr. Kerry

(TV screen) No.

John Kerry voted against funds that would provide our soldiers with the proper first aid supplies they require.

(booming voice) Mr. Kerry

(TV screen) No.

Did John Kerry really vote against Kevlar jackets for our soldiers? Could a person be such a ruthless monster? Technically yes, but in reality, no, not really. All of the issues listed in the advertisement were part of an 87 billion dollar proposition for money to be set aside for the war in Iraq . Kerry supported these provisions that in turn supported our soldiers; what he didn’t support, however, was the method of paying for all of these provisions.
Oh, there is so much more to this website. You just have to see it. The site is a collection of five essays, only two of which have been published to date. I can't wait for "How Fucked We will be With 4 More Years of George W. Bush."

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