Wednesday, May 26, 2004

some teachers suck

I found this amazing bit of news via DNC: Kicking Ass:
About a week ago, Dear Abby received a letter from a troubled 13 year old girl. The girl told her Health and Human Services class that ever since the fifth grade, she wanted to become the president of the United States
Guess what the teacher said?
But when I said that, my teacher laughed at me. He told me I had very little chance of making it, although he didn't say why. Now, a group of kids at school have started calling me names and spreading rumors about me.
Even the guidance counselor did little to help. John Kerry was one of many who wrote an encouraging letter in response to this. Part of the letter stated:
But remember, doubters never made America a better place. It is people like you — people who dream big and are filled with hope — who make a difference in this world.
Now I am a realist, but one should never squash the dreams of children. And sometimes young women (especially those who want to president) need a little extra encouragement.

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