Sunday, September 12, 2004

top ten

'Top 10 Sociological Terms As They Pertain To Rush Hour Traffic'

10. Ideal culture- Everyone's a perfect driver, and pedestrians always have the right-of-way.

9. Real culture- GET OUTTA MY WAY!

8. Norms- You know, we really should drive the speed limit.

7. Folkways- You know, we really should drive no more than five miles over the speed limit.

6. Mores- If you're gonna go under the limit, stay out of the left lane.

5. Taboo- If you're gonna put on your make-up, read the morning paper, and talk on your cell phone while eating a cheese danish, stay out of the left lane.

4. Value- Tail-gating is not generally a good idea.

3. Rationalization- They didn't really need that tail light.

2. Groupthink- Everyone's going 80 mph-I'm just keeping up.

1. American work ethic- Road Crew: Let 'em Work, Let 'em Live"

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