As one with an interest in sociology [a sociologist?*], I love when
The Planning Council publishes a new book new book of stats. It's called An Investment in Priorities, with the 2006 edition just released. The book is a group of beautiful graphs and data measuring all kinds of things locally (wellness, education, jobs, neighborhoods, etc).
Inside, we find things about Hampton Roads such as:
The Bridge and Tunnel Daily Volume increased 70%, 1990-2005. (This covers the HRBT, MM, and James River Bridge.)
The percent of dropouts decreased, lower than the state average.
Violent crime increased 27%, 2000-05, way higher than the state.
Domestic assault numbers have increased in last three years.
The poverty rate remains the same, from 2000-05, at 10%.
The poverty rate for children increased, higher than that of state, lower than US. In 2000, the region had 40,000 children living below poverty, more than one in every six children. The good news for Norfolk is, since 1990, the poverty rate for children has remained fairly constant. The bad news is that it is over 28%, the second highest in region. Also, that is twice as high as region as a whole, state, and US.
1,800 people on any one day in SHR are homeless, with Norfolk having the most.
In all cities, whites are more likely to think race relations are good or excellent. In the region, 56.4% of whites characterize race relations as good or excellent, only 34.1% of blacks say so.
* should i accept this?
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