i've been fighting myself on how to organize my dissertation proposal. after moving things around and around, i have decided on the following:
Chapter One: Introduction
Chapter Two: Crime as a Social Problem
Intro (political context and war on crime)
Sentencing Policy (laws – sentencing guidelines, mandatory sentencing, three strikes, consequences)
Focus on Sex Offenders (laws – registration, notification, residency restrictions, consequences)
Moral Panic
Chapter Three: Sentencing Research
Theory (focal concerns and racial, economic, political, and sexual threat)
Sentencing Offenders (individual – differences between violent and sex offenders, extralegal, contextual)
Multilevel Models
Hypotheses (10)
Chapter Four: Data and Methods
Intro (data)
DVs (2)
IVs (5 + individual level and controls)
Contribution of Proposed Research
I'm putting it in writing so I can better see what to change to where... I have a feeling I have not yet decided really.